Sunday, August 30, 2009

So this is 13.....

We now get to enjoy lovely decorations like these at our house. I thought they did a nice drape effect don't you? This is what you get to look forward to once you have teenagers in the house.


  1. Welcome to having teenagers. Check out my blog picture of the 48 rolls of tp used on our house several years ago. Aislinn found out who the kids were and I called their parents and told them if they ever papered my house again, I would call the police! Never happened again. Lest you think me cruel, they had papered the house numerous times in the past.

  2. Looks to me like some girls like your cute son. I remember our cheer squad toilet papering the boys that we liked one night for fun.

    p.s. Too bad you can't recycle that. They left you a lot of free toilet paper.
